Joan Castelló Abogados Penalistas
40 years experience of exclusive
dedication to criminal law

The Firm


Joan Castelló Abogados Penalistas provide our legal services in any criminal proceeding to individuals, businesses, bank and/or credit entities, local corporations and public administration entities of autonomous communities, in criminal matters or issues related or raised in connection with their activity.

We have almost 40 years experience of exclusive dedication to criminal law, gaining an understanding of and dealing with all of the crimes included in the Penal Code.

We specialise in crimes relating to the estate and against social-economic order ((e.g frauds, misappropriation, culpable insolvency, damages, against industrial or intellectual property, those relating to the market and consumers, corporate offences), crimes against the Public Treasury or Social Security, against the rights of workers, against the environment, crimes relating to falsifications, recklessness or professional negligence.

In the case of public entities, we offer a high specialisation in crimes relating to spatial planning and the protection of historical heritage,the protection of flora and fauna, embezzlement of public funds, prevarication, bribery, influence peddling, fraud and extortion, etc.

About Us

Retrato de

Joan Castelló Corbera

Prestigious lawyer with an extensive experience of almost 40 years in the world of Criminal Law.

He has carried out his professional activity both in the different Examining Courts, Criminal Courts and Provincial High Courts of Catalonia and in the rest of the Spanish State, with his interventions in important criminal proceedings in front of the National High Court and defense of cassation appeal and application for “recurso de amparo” remedy for the protection of constitutional rights in front of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court, respectively standing out.

Throughout the course of these years, he has combined his daily activity in the Courts with participation in different conferences and courses conducted conducted in different schools and professional associations.

Retrato de Bàrbara Galdós Bultó

Bàrbara Galdós Bultó

Founding member of Joan Castelló Abogados Penalistas, graduate in Law (1999) and holding a diploma in Criminology and Criminal Policy from the Universitat de Barcelona (1999), she has 20 years of professional experience exclusively dedicated to criminal law.

Teacher of the Master in Criminal Law from the illustrious Col·legi d’Advocats de Barcelona.

In addition to her intervention in criminal judicial matters of the office throughout the jurisdictional field of the Spanish state, she deals with the specialities of Criminal Law of Minors and Penitentiary Law, and has a wide experience in summary proceedings and in proceedings in front of the Sworn Court.
Trained in the United States.