Fields of Action

At a jurisdictional level, we carry out our professional activity in examining courts and criminal courts

Throughout national territory, and in particular:

  • In the units of the judicial police of the different Security Bodies and Forces of the State, providing legal assistance to those arrested or under investigation, imposing criminal complaints or carrying out pertinent procedures in the assigned case.

  • In the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the different Territorial High Courts, for the carrying out of similar functions to those mentioned above, when the investigation is directly initiated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, or in connection with the carrying out of their own proceedings of the judicial investigation phase or the plenary phase or oral trial.

  • In the Examining Courts, to intervene in open judicial investigation in connection with the interposition of a crime report or private criminal prosecution for a crime committed in its judicial district. So, for hearing and adjudication for trials for minor crimes.

  • In the Courts of Violence against Women, in the cases stated in the Law, as long as they have been committed against whoever is or has been their wife, or woman that is or has been linked to the author by similar emotional ties, even without cohabitation, as well as crimes committed against own descendants or those of the wife or cohabitant, or against minors or legally incompetent persons that they live with or that are subject to the authority, custody, guardianship, fostering, or de facto guardianship of the wife or cohabitant, when an act of domestic violence has occurred.

  • In Juvenile Courts, when the person under investigation is under eighteen years of age.

  • In Penitentiary Supervision Courts, when the interested person is a prisoner in a penitentiary centre carrying out the sentence imposed in a final judgement, for all issues relating to the application of the Penitentiary Law and its Code.

  • In Criminal Courts, to defend or accuse natural or legal persons in Oral Trial, for crimes for which the Law does not give prison sentences of over five years or fines regardless of their quantity, or anything of any other nature, whether stand alone, joint or alternative, whose duration does not exceed ten years.

Vista aerea del monument a Colom a Barcelona
  • In the Provincial High Court of the district where the crime was committed, for the hearing and adjudication of the other cases, with the exception of the cases that the Law attributes to other Courts equally stated by the Law, as well as appeals filed against resolutions of the examining or criminal courts, Courts of Violence against Women, Juvenile Courts or Penitentiary Supervision Courts, as long as, in this last case, the jurisdiction does not correspond to the Criminal Chamber or the National High Court.

  • In the Jury Box, for the hearing and adjudication of the following crimes that are expressly attributed to them by the Law: homicide or murder (art. 138 to 140 PC), threats (article 169.1º), failure to provide assistance (articles 195 and 196), breaking and entering (articles 202 and 204 PC), infidelity in the custody of documents (articles 413 to 415 PC), bribery (articles 419 to 426 PC), influence peddling (articles 428 to 430 PC), embezzlement of public funds (articles 432 to 434 PC), fraud and extortion (articles 436 to 438 PC), activities prohibited to officials (articles 439 to 440 PC), infidelity in custody of prisoners (article 471 PC).

  • In the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of each autonomous community, for examining, hearing and adjudication of the causes that the Statutes of Independence reserve to the hearing of the Superior Courts of Justice, as well as the examining and adjudication of criminal cases against judges, magistrates and members of the Prosecution Service for crimes committed in the exercise of their role in the Autonomous Community, as long as such attribution does not correspond to the Supreme Court. Appeals against resolutions dictated in the first instance by Provincial High Courts are also of their hearing, as well as all of those stated by the Laws.

  • In the National High Court, with jurisdiction in the whole of Spain, and concretely in the Central Criminal Courts or in the Criminal Chamber of the Criminal High Court, the prosecution of cases is carried out, whose examining or investigation effectuates the Central Examining Court that in turn correspond to them, in the crimes established by the Law, such as those against the holder of the Crown, his Consort, his Successor, High Organisations of the Nation and forms of Government; as well as currency counterfeiting and the production of false credit and debit cards and travellers cheques, as long as they are committed by criminal organisations or groups; or in frauds and schemes to alter the price of things that produce or could produce serious repercussion in the security of commercial trade, the national economy or financial damage in a great number of people in the territory of more than one High Court; or in the trafficking of drugs or narcotics, alimentary and pharmaceutical or medicinal frauds, as long as they are committed by organised gangs or groups and they produce effects in pertinent places in different High Courts. Equally, it also deals with the prosecution of crimes committed outside national territory when, according to laws or treaties, it corresponds to Spanish Courts, as well as the judicial proceedings of passive extradition etc.

  • In the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court, higher jurisdictional body in the penal order, apart from that stated concerning constitutional guarantees, for the conduct of the defense of cassation appeal, revision and other extraordinary ones in criminal matters that the law establishes, as well as the examining and prosecution of cases against the King or Queen and consorts, the Princess or Prince of Asturias and Consort, as well as against the King or Queen that may have abdicated and their consort. Also, against representatives and members of the different powers and high tiers of the State, as well as cases that, where applicable, determine the Statutes of Autonomy; as well as those of examining and prosecution of cases against Magistrates of the National High Court or Superior Court of Justice.

Encaje de manos, cierre de trato

At the same time, once the ordinary procedure is carried out we go to the Constitutional Court to defend, through the filing of the application of “recurso de amparo” remedy for the protection of constitutional rights, the fundamental rights recognised in the Spanish Constitution or we go to international courts in which the rights and interests of our clients are recognised in the international treaties undersigned by Spain, in the penal code..

Equally, in the necessary cases, we urge the corresponding pardon and we follow its processing in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Equally, in the necessary cases, we urge the corresponding pardon and we follow its processing in front of the Ministry of Justice.

Finally, in cases of traffic accidents with the result of injuries caused because of recklessness (that were previously processed as lack of judgements, which are now considered as a decriminalised behaviour, governed by Law 35/2015, of 22nd September, of reform of the valuation system of harm caused to people in traffic accidents), we claim and negotiate extra-judicially with the opposing insurance company for the maximum compensation for the injured person.

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